▶️ 75 anni di Maria Cristina: il compleanno della principessa Michael di Kent

Principessa Michael del Kent nel 1999
Matrimonio del barone Günther von Reibnitz e della contessa Marianne Szapáry de Szapár, Muraszombat et Széchy-Sziget

La baronessa Marie Christine Anna Agnes Hedwig Ida von Reibnitz nacque il 15 gennaio 1945 a Karlsbad, Germania (ora Karlovy Vary, Repubblica Ceca). Marie Christine era la figlia del barone Günther von Reibnitz (1894 – 1983) e della sua seconda moglie, la contessa Maria Anna (Marianne) Szapáry de Szapár, Muraszombat et Széchy-Sziget (1911-1998). Günther e Maria Anna si erano sposati nel 1941 e avevano avuto il loro unico figlio, il barone Friedrich von Reibnitz (nato nel 1942), seguito dalla loro unica figlia. Nel 1946, i genitori di Marie Christine divorziarono; lei aveva appena un anno.

Nonno materno di Marie Christine: il conte Friedrich Szapáry de Szapár, Muraszombat et Széchy-Sziget
La nonna materna di Marie Christine, la principessa Hedwig zu Windisch-Grätz, con la madre Marianne da piccola

I nonni paterni della baronessa Marie Christine von Reibnitz erano il barone Hans Egon von Reibnitz (1856 – 1918) e la baronessa Ida von Eickstedt (1867 – 1937). I suoi nonni materni erano il conte Friedrich Szapáry de Szapár, Muraszombat et Széchy-Sziget (1869 – 1935) e la principessa Hedwig zu Windisch-Grätz (1878 – 1918). La madre di Marie Christine, Marianne, era una quinta cugina della regina Geraldine d'Albania (1915-2002; nata contessa Apponyi de Nagy-Appony; consorte del re Zog d'Albania). La contessa Marianne e la regina madre Geraldine degli Albanesi erano entrambe discendenti del conte Georg Christian von Waldstein (1743 – 1791) e della contessa Elisabeth Ulfeldt (1747 – 1791). La principessa Michael di Kent era quindi una cugina di sesto grado del defunto re Leka I del Albanesi (1939 – 2011). Nel 2016, il principe e la principessa Michael di Kent hanno partecipato alle nozze del principe ereditario Leka (II) e di sua moglie Elia Zaharia a Tirana.

Contessa Marianne Szapáry de Szapár, Muraszombat et Széchy-Sziget
Following her parents’ divorce, Marie Christine and her brother Fred were raised by their mother. Marianne decided to move the family to Australia, which is where her young children grew up. Marianne remarried in 1952 to Polish aristocrat Tadeusz Rogala-Koczorowski (1911 – 1989). From this union, Marie Christine gained a younger half-brother: Macio Rogala-Koczorowski (b.1953). Marie Christine was a pupil at the Kincoppal School, located in the Rose Bay suburb of Sydney. The baroness then went on to spend some time on her father’s farm in Africa. After this, Marie Christine traveled to Europe and stayed with her maternal family in Austria. In Europe, she studied the History of Art; this compelled the baroness to move to London to study and found her own interior design company.
Marie Christine’s first husband Thomas Troubridge
Whilst in London, Marie Christine met her first husband, Thomas Troubridge (1939 – 2015), a British banker and a descendant of the Troubridge baronets. Baroness Marie Christine von Reibnitz and Thomas Troubridge were married on 14 September 1971 at Chelsea Old Church, London. Alas, the couple separated in 1973, and their union ended in a civil divorce in 1977. A Roman Catholic annulment was granted in May 1978.

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On 30 June 1978 in Vienna, Baroness Marie Christine von Reibnitz married Prince Michael of Kent (b.1942), youngest child of Prince George, Duke of Kent, and Princess Marina of Greece and Denmark. The couple have two children: Lord Frederick Windsor (b.1979) and Lady Gabriella Kingston (b.1981; née Windsor).

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